M V D Satya Swaroop

7721 6th Avenue · Brooklyn, NY 11209 · +1(917) 702-0771 · swaroopmanchala9@gmail.com

Quantitative Analyst.


Programming Languages & Tools

  • Platforms
  • Operating Systems

Open Source Contributions


Implementation of ARIMA model from scratch

    Raptorarima, is a python package which is an implementation of Auto Regressive Moving Average Model from scratch using python. This API Supports to model time series data using box-jenkins model. Please find API code here.


Stock data using web scrapping

    Raptorfinance, is a python package which retrives stock price via webscrapping YahooFinance. This API Supports to retrieve data especially works for NSE/BSE stocks. Please find API code here.


Glimm Analytics

  • Migrated existing code base which uses previous old Interactive Brokers API into the latest Interactive Brokers FIX API.
  • This new API is very robust industry standard solution, which provides direct access to IBKR trading system.
May 2023 - Present


  • Lead as a team of software developers, designed a web application beta using flask web application framework leveraging Siamese neural network to allow only unique users to maintain an AlSafe Account.
  • Utilized firebase database to design a key value-based storing of user credentials and implemented binary search algorithm to spot duplicate user ids. Developed front end by Html, bootstrap, and backend in python flask API’s.
  • Mobilized web application using Heroku platform, achieved 96% accuracy in classifying users using their Face Id and Image.
  • Please find a working prototype here. This link directs to our code repository.
Feb 2020 - Aug 2021


  • Implemented a financial forecasting solution for a fortune 500 client, leveraging Oracle EPBCS, Azure data bricks for data staging and predictive forecast generation using Machine learning algorithms. Deployed and back tested models to predict sales and expenses.
  • Extracted and transformed historical sales data, inventory data from Oracle ERP system for analysis, designed and constructed data pipelines using Azure data bricks to ingest, cleanse and process large volumes of data.
  • Devised statistical models and algorithms to forecast demand based on historical data and identify trend, seasonality, and impact of promotions etc. Validated and fine-tuned forecasting models using cross validation and evaluation metrics, created dashboards using Power BI to communicate forecasting results and insights to stakeholders for taking business decisions.
  • Coded Python API scripts leveraging Oracle SaaS APIs to automate workflow of a security consultant such as assigning data security roles, design functionality of roles in both development and production instances.
Jan 2019 - Jan 2020


Stony Brook University

Master of Science in Applied Mathematics

GPA: 3.89/4

Probability theory, Linear Algebra, Statistics,Stochastic Calculus, Data Analysis,Data Structures and Algorithms,Financial Computing, Machine Learning, Derivative Pricing, Portfolio Theory, Risk Management.
Aug 2021 - May 2023

University of Texas At Austin

Post Graduation Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

GPA: 9.3

Exploratory Data Analysis and Cleaning, Statistics, Linear Regression, Support Machine Vectors, Logistic Regression, K-Means Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, Neural Networks, CNN’s, LSTM, Computer Vision, Gaussian Mixtures, Deep GMM’s
Aug 2019 - Dec 2020

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University

Bachelors of Technology in Computer Science Engineering

GPA: 3.6

Algorithms and Data Structures, Dbms, Big Data Computing , AI and Data Mining , Linear Algebra, Numerical Analysis and Computational Methods, Optimization Techniques.
Aug 2015 - Dec 2019


Stock Analyser

C++ application to Analyse Earnings impact on Stock Price Movement

    Co-developed a C++ application to extract earnings and price data for Russell 1000 stocks and impact on stock price. Implemented a preprocessing module to retrieve and clean stock price from yahoo finance using LibCurl. Classified stocks into 3 groups based on surprise percentage of EPS. Performed random sampling from each group of 30 stocks and computed excess return with SPY as benchmark. Calculated AAR for each group and deviation to compare impact of EPS on stock price.


Stay Digitaly Alive

    We believe that its very crucial to safegaurd a person's digital presence. Especially in today's world where tech is very much included in our lifestyle. We developed a web application which gives the user a unique Identity based on face snap, and other users can search someone else's profile to check if they are who they are claiming to be. Please visit here to checkout our application. Please watch this demo video of our working beta to understand the application better.

Algorithmic Trading

Trading Strategies

    This repository contains various trading strategies which use zerodha kite endpoints to make trade decisions given user authorised credentials. Please check out the code repository here , which contains implementation of long short beta, mean reversion, open range break and volume weight average pricing strategy.

Portfolio Optimizer

Portfolio Optimization Using Efficient Frontier

    Assessed stock returns to identify optimal allocation of capital for a stock portfolio and trained a model using historical data of S&P 500 for selected technology stocks. Used Pandas and Seaborn for EDA in Python. Generated a Random assignment of weights to portfolio of stocks, allocated ideal weight by leveraging efficient frontier considers stocks with highest Sharpe ratio. Utilized the past data of portfolio with static optimal weight to predict future portfolio returns applying linear regression and LSTM with 82% and 89% accuracy respectively.here

Portfolio Optimizer

Option Pricing System

    Applied Boost, STL library and object-oriented principles to create an option pricing system. Applied Black Scholes pricing method for European options, developed functions to compute Greeks. Employed a numerical method pricing with Monte-Carlo and finite difference methods for pricing European Options.here

Equity Buy/Sell decision by Natural Language Processing

Buy/sell Stock based on tweet data

    The project states whether buying a particular stock is a good or bad investment based on recent 10k tweet’s polarity based on the stock and historical performance of the stock. The Twitter sentiment analysis retrieves a list of the last 10000 tweets posted in english containing the symbol introduced and they are later stored in a list of Tweet class, defined in tweet.py with the tweet's text and polarity from TextBlob. Please check out the code repository here.

Stock Volatility Model

Stock Volatility Model with Arch & Garch

    The ARCH or Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity method provides a way to model a change in variance in a time series that is time dependent, such as increasing or decreasing volatility. An extension of this approach named GARCH or Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity allows the method to support changes in the time dependent volatility, such as increasing and decreasing volatility in the same series. Implemented the project in python, please find the code repository here.

Face Mask Detector

Covid 19 Face mask detector by live camera.

    Face mask detection using local camera frame by frame and classifies the frame with mask or without mask with probability and boundary box. I used 7959 images to train the models. The dataset is composed of WIDER Face and MAFA. Please check out the code repository here .

Stock Price Prediction

Stock Price Prediction Using LSTM

    We used ‘yfinance’ API in python to collect the data and using user input we collected the dataset between a given time interval. We normalized the Dataset using MinMaxScaler. Using ‘Open,High,Close,Low,Volume’ with batchsize=2 and Time_Steps = 2 as hyperparameters to LSTM, we predicted the stock closing price of google with 87% Accuracy. Please check out our code here


Emotion Classification Using Voice

    As part of our major project we used Convolutional Neural Network to train our model on the Ravdess voice dataset, our model classifies each voice clip into one of 8 different emotions. As part of data preprocessing we first translated voice data into voice graph images using Librosa python library and then trained the CNN model on the image dataset. We classified the image graph data using our own CNN network architecture ( 2 conv layers, 2 relu, softmax layer and 2 dropout layers), we used gradient descent to optimise the cost function of classification error. Please find our code repository here , this link redirects to our project documentation.

Amazon Recommendation System

Recommendation System using Machine learning

    Project for recommendation system on Amazon Product Purchase Data set. A popularity based recommendation system. Created an instance of User Similarity based Collaborative Filtering model. Please check out our code here

Sarcasm detection using Natural Language Processing

Sarcasm Detection from News headlines Dataset

    Used Headline dataset to classify sarcasm level, instead of tweet dataset as Headlines are more professional and syntactic in nature. Created features from headline database and generated weight matrix using GloVe embeddings. Used a Bidirectional LSTM model to train the data based on the features computed from the dataset. Please check out the code repository here .

Credit Defaulters Detection

Classification of Credit Defaulters Using an Ensemble of Random forest, Adaboost, Gradient Boost

    We have used German Credit Dataset and Classifiying the users who are defaulting credit.Using RFC feature importance, we are perform feature engineering to identify the important features. Using Ensemble techniques (Random Forest/Adaboost/ Gradient Boost) we are able to achieve an accuracy of 90% on Train and 80% on Test data. here



Chair Person Nature’s Army VNR VJIET
  • Worked as Chairperson of Nature’s club of our college during my undergraduate degree. We have implemented several events throughout the year which was a throughly enriching experience , most importantly this exposure as a leader taught me how to bring people together towards a cause.
  • We implemented a project called “Pool It”, which is car pooling mobile application among college students aimed at reducing Air Pollution at college scale and builds strong social connections among students.
  • We raised funds to purchase medicines, food and clothing for 2018 Kerala flood victims and distributed through Non government organisation.
  • We have arranged several charity shows, cricket matches to purchase plan samplings and planted them outside our college.

Dramatrix VNR VJIET

Vice Chair Dramatrix VNR VJIET
  • Worked as Vice Chair of our college’s Drama club. I have enacted in several plays during my undergraduate years
  • Enacted and directed a short film “Rao Gari Katha” in the year 2018.


Solving programming challenges in Leet code and Hacker rank.

Apart from being a Quantitative Analyst, I enjoy meeting new ppl and reading books.

PS:If you like coffee, we have much to discuss. ;)

Contanct Me

Swaroop M